Monday, 13 December 2010

Research Evaluation

Why is research important?
Research is important because it will help us in developing our projects. It will also act as a base/guide of knowledge and key information of the topics we are covering for our project.
It will also help us understand what are target audience are looking for so we can adapt on their ideas and create something that will fulfil their needs. Research will help us in planning as it will give us basic ideas of what we want our final product to look like. It will help us meet the brief and the requirements of our project.

What have you learnt from research?
We have learnt the similarities and differences between genres and conventions.

Did the target audience tell you what you already know or something different?
Our target audience taught us that we need originality, repetition and variation. They have given us a basic guide on what to base our project on.

Location Research

Horror/Thriller films are known to be cliche and over used, in my research, locations are a main cliche that directors fit to. 

Some of these locations are - 
Houses - (The Clockwork Orange)
Forests - (The Last House On The Left)
Empty rooms - (Saw)
Main city locations - (Panic Room)
Castles - (Van Helsing)
Lakes - (Friday The 13th)
Hotels - (The Shining)
Schools - (Tormented)
Countryside - fields, trees etc - (The Crazies)
Graveyards - (Cemetery Man)
Churchs - (The Unborn)
Asylums - (Shutter Island)
Hospitals - (28 Days Later)
Deserts - (The Hills Have Eyes)
Theme Parks - rollercoasters etc (Final Destination 3)

From conducting this research, i have learnt that location is essential i making a good horror film and it will be an essential part of the research for our coursework.

Lighting Research

- Dark shadowy lighting - low key lighting
- Green and yellow work together to create a twisted sick feelingin horror films
- Hard light
- Uncorrected flourescants - green

When a scene is shot with enough light, it becomes underexposed - This means the shot is too dark and not much detail can be seen on-screen.

Three point lighting:
Standard method for illuminating a person or an object. By using this system you can control the shadows of an object while adding depth to the shot.

Key light:
Usually stimulates or emphasises natural light: direct sunlight that comes through a window or door.
The intensity, direction and quality of lighting have a profound effect on the way an image is perceived. Light effects the way colours are rendered, both in terms of hue and depth, and can focus attention on particular elements of the composition. Most mainstream films rely on the three point lighting style, and its gender variations.

Marking Triller Openings

Thriller 1 - Room to Breath
For this opening we concluded that it falls into a high level 2 and we gave it 30 marks. The reason for this is that the title is spelt wrong as it is missing an e at the end of it. It wasn't very consistant and didn't have a variety of different shots and angles.

Thriller 2 - Unrequited Love
For this opening we concluded that it falls into level 3 and we gave it 40 marks. The vision and sound editing was better than the previous thriller opening as there was more post production. However it could be seen as cliche as it shows the cutting up of pieces of paper. There was no variation in the camera angles and the distance stayed the same as there was just a close up throughout the whole sequence. The titles were also shown too quickly which meant there wasn't enough time for the audience to read them.

Thriller 3 - Root Cause
For this opening we concluded that it falls into a band three and gave it 38 marks which means it was lower than the previous thriller. The genre of the opening was gangster film noir which made it unique and set it apart from the other openings. It was better than thriller 1 as it stuck to the conventions of thrillers and used a contrapuntal soundtrack.

Thriller 4 - Final Fate
For this opening we concluded that it falls into level 3 and we gave it 40 marks. The sound is in sync with the movement which gave it higher marks. The sound transition from switching the song to the mp3 was very good technique used as it was clear and started at the same time on the beat.

Thriller 5 - Revelation
For this opening we concluded that it fell in to a high level 3 and gave it 40 marks. What prevented it from being level 4 was that the text is hard to read and it seemed to be more like a trailer rather than an opening. However it had a good use of camera angles and positioning.

Thriller 6 - Placebo
For this opening we have concluded that it falls into a low band 2 with basic attempts. The soundtrack kept with the conventions of a thriller by building the tempo. However it was not very clear as the bubbles playing at the start went on for too long - 50 seconds which is a waste of valuable time. The camera was shaky as it was not held steadily and there was no variation in the shots. The length of the frame was too short which made it inconsistant. There was a good attempt of someone coming in the door as there were loads of viewa and different variations of shots.